Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Every Man Is Born With Two Ends...what's Your Choice?

Every Man Is Born With Two Ends.
A man's Success depends on which end he uses the most.
According to a research I heard about, only 2% of the world's population are truly successful.That's not hard to believe. Just take a panoramic view of the world's population and its living conditions and you'll see for yourself.The interesting thing about this research is that success according to their findings is not tied to a person's background, education, up bringing, societal class or any such factors.Guess what was the common element of all successful people? Their MENTAL ATTITUDE.
Success is all about you.It lies within and not without. As a man thinks, that definitely is what he is. That is what he becomes.Success is all about a positive, never say die attitude.It is a not accepting no as an answer.
You can't achieve what you never dreamed of.You can't achieve what you never desired. You can't achieve what doesn't burn from within. If you ever meet a person who succeeds at anything positive without ever desiring it, I assure you that it will not last, he will abuse it because he will not value it.
To achieve success, You must use what you've got 'upstairs.' You've got to have the burning desire to go forth and achieve.Remember the saying, 'Where there is a will, there is a way.'
God gave you two ends, which one will you use? The one up on your head, guided by your heart or the one you sit with, and fold your hands while the world goes on by, leaving you behind?


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