Friday, March 03, 2006

The Butterfly Effect On Weather Conditions As A Lesson.

Simply stated – It means that the tiny changes brought about by a butterfly moving in a place as far as Francisco has the powerful effect to transform the weather conditions in Shangai.
According to the butterfly effect, the tiny flutter of a butterfly’s wings as it bounces gently on the breeze can create enormous changes half way around the world.
I believe that you and I could learn a great lesson from all of this. How many times have we given up on so many of our visions and dreams and tossed them right into the trashcans of our minds? How many times have you and I given up on something we once thought was a brilliant idea only because we found out that it wasn’t popular or well received, even though we knew that it would have had a positive impact on many? How many times have you and I given up on our dreams because we felt we were too small, inadequate, ill equipped or just simply incapable?
Well, it is high time we learned our lessons from the tiny butterfly. No many how small our efforts, no matter how small the possibility of success, you and I cannot give up on our dreams. We have got to press on. We have to put in our best because we cannot tell the effects of our actions to the present generation and even to the future generations yet unborn. We’ve got to do something to cause things to happen. That is the way that things are done. Why don’t you just stretch out the tiny wings of your unspoken ideas and begin to flutter them in the gentle breeze of faith. Why don’t you stretch out your mind and give birth to those tiny seeds of hope from which will come a bountiful harvest? Why don’t you stretch out your wings and fly to a world of possibilities where the gentle fluttering of your ideas can cause a reaction. You might not see the effects now but maybe, just maybe, half way across your world or another person’s world it is causing enormous changes.


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