Friday, March 03, 2006

What lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny
matters compared to what lies within us
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Take a trip with me. Let’s take a walk, you and I, through time. This time the journey is not to the future. It is a journey to the past. As we go along, observe in a backwards trend the progress man has made. We drive the latest cars now, but a few years ago, it was not so. Think of the model of the car you use now, think of the model before that. Accelerate backwards and think of cars ten, twenty years ago. Think of travel. Think of the speed of traveling some twenty years back. How about fifty years back? Think of traveling before the airplane. Think of traveling before the first car was made. Think of medicine twenty years ago. How about some fifty, seventy years back. Think of communication at the speed of your speech. Once I we are connected, as soon as you speak, I can hear. Was that the way it was fifty, eighty, one hundred years ago? How about all of man’s progress some one hundred years back? How about two hundred, three hundred, four hundred and many more years ago? You’ve got to admit we’ve really come a long way. How did these achievements come to be? You don’t have to look far. It was as a result of the challenges and necessities that faced us. Without the challenges of nature and its ever changing elements, without the needs that faced us, we would never had bothered to look for ways and means of finding solutions to meeting these challenges and making life a little bit more comfortable for us. In other words, the things that lay ahead of man always challenged him to look for a way to surmount the challenge it posed. Man had to look for the answers to these challenges inwardly and then actualize them. What lay ahead of man challenged what lay within to rise and overcome. The question is: which is greater? What lies ahead and behind us, or what lies within?
True achievements come from within. True success comes from within. The next time you are faced with a mountain, don’t run helter skelter. Look within, you’ll find an answer. Hang in there long enough, you’ll find a way out.


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