Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Only Bad Idea Is The One That Was Never Spoken

Have you got any idea thoughts or comments? Well, I want to hear from you. I invite you to join the journey. Together we can and we will make it. Together we can both help some one out there make it. We can re - kindle the dying flames of someone's dreams that is about to be extinguished. We can help someone else's flame burn brighter. We can even light a lifeless one. I invite you to share with me through your comments. Let's share ideas, let's share success stories, let's share quotes and whatever you've got. Let's share. You can e-mail me at

Every Man Is Born With Two Ends...what's Your Choice?

Every Man Is Born With Two Ends.
A man's Success depends on which end he uses the most.
According to a research I heard about, only 2% of the world's population are truly successful.That's not hard to believe. Just take a panoramic view of the world's population and its living conditions and you'll see for yourself.The interesting thing about this research is that success according to their findings is not tied to a person's background, education, up bringing, societal class or any such factors.Guess what was the common element of all successful people? Their MENTAL ATTITUDE.
Success is all about you.It lies within and not without. As a man thinks, that definitely is what he is. That is what he becomes.Success is all about a positive, never say die attitude.It is a not accepting no as an answer.
You can't achieve what you never dreamed of.You can't achieve what you never desired. You can't achieve what doesn't burn from within. If you ever meet a person who succeeds at anything positive without ever desiring it, I assure you that it will not last, he will abuse it because he will not value it.
To achieve success, You must use what you've got 'upstairs.' You've got to have the burning desire to go forth and achieve.Remember the saying, 'Where there is a will, there is a way.'
God gave you two ends, which one will you use? The one up on your head, guided by your heart or the one you sit with, and fold your hands while the world goes on by, leaving you behind?

We've Been Waiting For You !

Yes!We've all been waiting for you!The whole world has been waiting for you.Yes,I'm really talking about you.
Are you wondering what for?Just sit tight.This might help...
I once read somewhere that the greatest reservoir of riches is really in the - guess where - the grave yard!I'm not kidding.Think about it.Apart from the dead bodies, rotten bones, dust etc. in a grave yard,what else can you find there? DREAMS! VISIONS! POTENTIALS! that were never fulfilled.The many inventions and discoveries that could have been but were not. The many great musicians,artists etc. that could have been but were not. The many great business men, politicians, doctors, lawyers, singers, millionaires, scientists, engineers, educators, leaders and many more that could have been but never were.WHY?All because they never did achieve their potentials before they took it all to the grave depriving the whole world of many unknown and untold blessings.How pathetic.
That is why I am telling you that the whole world is waiting for you.What is that gift, that talent, that potential, idea, skill, knowledge, ambition, goal, dream or idea that you have that is yet to be fully achieved?We are waiting for it, the whole world is waiting for you.
Imagine what a world this would have been if the many gifts, talents etc. were never put to use. There would have beeen no phones, cars, planes, elevators, shavers, dryers, microwaves, cookers, cameras, modern housing and many more. As a matter of fact without that, you won't be where you are now reading this post.See why you can't give up on your dreams, no matter how little they seem to be or how difficult the road is.You just never know how much you could contribute to a needy world in making life a little bit more comfortable for your self and others.
Go ahead. Don't give up. The whole world is waiting for you.We are waiting for you.

The Journey Begins Today

Welcome to achievers' files.I'm so happy you could stop by.If you are ready I am also ready.Let's begin a journey.It is a journey to achieve.It is a journey for success.
Ever wondered why some people always seem to succeed almost seemingly effortlessly while others toil and toil and toil without any or much success?Ever had a dream or desire to succeed or achieve anything?Ever wanted to make a success of your life?You need not look further.You've come to the right place.
I really am excited for you and I.Why not let's undertake this journey together?As the old saying goes,'Two heads are better than one'.Remember,success is not by your I.Q.,background,financial standing,environment etc.
Then,how does success come?Well, that's what you and I are going to find out together.So,come along with me and together we'll do one another a world of good,as we journey together on the road to success and pick our lessons along the way.I really want to succeed.How about you?