Saturday, March 04, 2006

In The Land Of The Blind, I Don’t Want To Be The One Eyed Man

There is a popular saying that in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king. Of course, in the land of the blind, won’t you like to be the person who has got one eye? That automatically makes you king.
Many will grab that option with both hands without thinking about it. As for me, I don’t want to be that one eyed man. Think closely about it. The one eyed man is king. Who said so? If he is king, then what is the two-eyed man? Notice, nobody said anything about there not being a two-eyed man. It is only assumed that there is no two- eyed man. That exactly is my point.
Why must we live our lives on the basis of assumptions? Why can’t there be a two-eyed man in the land of the blind? Of course it is understood that the saying refers to a situation where there are no two-eyed men, but the emphasis here is that it is not explicitly said but assumed.
In every situation we find ourselves in life, we must not be contented to let things be just the way they are. We must constantly seek for ways to improve our conditions. We must seek for answers in the midst of chaos. We must seek for improvement in what has become an accepted pattern, what has become the norm. Can’t there be a better way? Can’t it be done faster and more efficiently? Can’t something new and different be done? Can’t it be easier? Must it be this way?
These are some of the questions we need to constantly ask our selves. We must not live by the standard set by other people. Let’s aim to live higher and better than we did yesterday. Let us seek for new things daily. Let us stretch our minds and imaginations and be innovative. Let’s pull out the best from within us by seeking for greater heights. The old saying tells us that the sky is the limit. Must it be so? Can’t we aim for the sun, and should it be that we fall while trying, land somewhere on the moon, far beyond the sky? Next time around, despite the failure, why can’t we aim for the stars and even beyond?

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